Blinded by light they see not who I am
Its blaze, its dazzle engulfs them all
It shines on them with the force of its lies
But the truth deep inside my darkness resides
I yearn to let the darkness out
Let it seep into the minds of those blind fools
Who believe the concealing, deceiving light
Believing only what they want to believe
I cry, I scream to be understood
To bare myself, my soul, my all
Only to be ignored my the mindless crowd
Not accepted for being what I am
Set in their ways they fear the darkness
Unnerved by its mysterious depths
Frightened, to delve into this enigma
Lest they see the demented truth
Hidden in the darkness seethes my soul
A sadist, hurting others to resolve my own hurt
Unable to break free from this ruthless chain
I lie here, alone, unaccepted.
1) I love this poem
2) Congrats. You moved beyond your usual genre and did very well with it.
3) You're not a sadist
4) You'll always be one of my reason to write on...
Keep'em coming!
oh, n
5) can you send me Crossroads. I seemed to have lost my copy of it.
I'll put it on here.
thanks!! oh and
1) this IS my usual genre in poetry. however much nonsensical and quirky i am in my prose, for some as yet unknown reason i simply cant seem to continue my facade of cheeriness in my poems. get used to it. you'll be seeing a lot of it soon enough.
2) i am a sadist thank you very much. and i believe i gave you the reasons too the last time i came over to delhi. deal with it.
3) crossroads is soooo LONG! you WOULD make me type such a long thing. bitch. ;-)
very nicely done...but the picture is way hotter...whered u get it from...gud poem though, jini, keep it up.
Oh, Zanny... so shallow.. so shallow...
wow... felt like i read one of my own!!! :P typical four line stanza and pessimism... love the poem!! you do know extremely well how to convey exactly what ur feeling.... but i believe the name doesnt fit....
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