Yaaaaaaaaawnnn!!... Alright. Today has been long and tiring. Seven continuous hours of atomic structure, friction forces and Geometric Progressions can be a hell lot more tiring than you can imagine, especially when it's combined with being all soaked from head to toe. I came back home an hour back and turned on my computer to check on our attempt to take over the world. This is what I get, being accused of "cynicism", "sarcasm" and "misanthropy"!!! Well, I don't really mind though... see, I like to believe that I belong to a rare social group of highly self-centered and narcissist people. Alright, not so rare. Although I still know I'm different from most other creatures that calls themselves humans. See? There I go again! Praising myself again. You know, I surprise my own esteemed self all the time by the extent of my esteem.
Well, my first post here. I'm Nimmi. People's views of me are very contradictory. They think I'm a loner, but then they find me sweet and friendly. They say I'm a cynic and then they come running to me for advice when in trouble. They find me annoying but they can't go a minute without my company. They find me the cutest, but they also find me the rudest. So, you can't really blame me for thinking of myself so highly.
As for this girl Jini. We weren't supposed to meet. At least not so soon. This was one of those "tricks" that God loves to play on you when you are as unique as I am. I was happy and frolicking in Muscat (Oman), but my gypsy dad decided that we had to move, move to a place I COMPLETELY didn't want to go. I remember resisting with all my might (even packing up my bags to runaway!!) But as i said,that little dictator you guys call "God" usually has special stuff planned for me. So I came to this complete alien place with as much reluctance as I could muster. We stayed at my dad's best friend's place. He has a daughter. My dad was all up about how I should be nice to her and not act like the complete biotch that I was being back then. I, however, had different plans. I wanted to give this girl the dirtiest treatment she had ever received. Oh! how nostalgic! The spite I had for destiny at that time was venomous!!
So my dad's best friend did everything to make me feel at home. That's when I stumbled upon this girl's bookshelf and I thought, maybe I could get her books if i was nice to her. So plans changed. Temptation took over spite.
I remember the time we first met. I was totally engrossed in one of HER books and by interrupting me at that point you could risk your life. ( You know, with the whole spite and concentration on the book and boredom summed up.) So she comes back from school, butts right in ( oh, alright! It was her room!!) and goes "hey!!" with the FLASHIEST smile I've ever seen. I couldn't really sulk at that big a smile so I smiled back. Then we got talking, and unfortunately, we had similar music tastes, she had books I wanted to read, and she had a big brother (the TOP most thing on my wishlist). So, yeah. We started off really weirdly and ended up somehow, as good friends. No. Great friends. Just when I thought I had had enough of "good friends" another one joined the list. Oh well, at least ONE good thing will come out of it (this blog.)
That's about all for now. Yeah, I know... not much of a post but hey, I'm not the writer here... I just like to jot stuff down. Creativity is not what my writing is appreciated for and I'm good with it.
On that note, I sign off.
All hail misanthropes and otakus!!
The Nimmi